Patrick Chism
About The Author
Born and raised on a farm in the Ozarks, Patrick Chism has a knack for making the best out of the worst situations. Where others see flooded farmland, he sees lakefront real estate. Where others see an infestation of bees, he sees free pollination and an upstart honey shop. Patrick’s articles will help you make the most out of the least, maximizing your returns while keeping a close eye on the wallet. When he’s not writing, Patrick likes hiking, gardening, reading and making healthy foods taste like unhealthy foods.
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At Quicken Loans, we’re committed to creating quality content that’s accurate and credible to help you make informed financial decisions. We aim to break down big topics so that you can better understand your personal finance options. Our articles are thoroughly researched, sourced, and fact-checked. Our experienced writers and editors do the legwork, so you don’t have to.
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At Quicken Loans, we’re committed to creating quality content that’s accurate and credible to help you make informed financial decisions. We aim to break down big topics so that you can better understand your personal finance options. Our articles are thoroughly researched, sourced, and fact-checked. Our experienced writers and editors do the legwork, so you don’t have to.
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